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Huillet: Balade, for solo viola – Opus 50
- 7.00€
- Score (8 pages), fingerings by Clara Cernat - pdf file A virtuoso piece, very « Tzigane » !
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Huillet: Crisis for clarinet, viola and piano – Opus 58
- 13.00€
- Thierry HUILLET - Crisis for clarinet, viola and piano Piano score (42 pages) + Clarinet part (14 pages) + Viola part (14 pages) - pdf file, fingerings by Clara Cernat A tribute to blues and jazz. The story of a financial crisis, from the speculation to the spectacular explosion of the bubble…
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Huillet: Metta, for viola and piano – Opus 47
- 7.00€
- Piano score (12 pages) + Viola part (6 pages), fingerings by Clara Cernat - pdf file One of the most contemplative states of Buddhism. A powerful and meditative music.
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Huillet: Prelude, for viola and piano (or organ) – Opus 31a (viola and piano) and opus 31b (viola and organ)
- 7.00€
- Piano score (14 pages) + Organ score (10 pages) + Viola part (8 pages), fingerings by Clara Cernat - pdf file A powerful and spiritual work.
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Huillet: Prelude, for viola and string orchestra – Opus 31c
- 13.00€
- Thierry HUILLET: Prelude, for viola and string orchestra
Score (14 pages) + Violin part (8 pages) + Orchestral parts (11 pages) - pdf file PDF file to download
A powerful and spiritual work, in a poetic orchestral version. - Add to basket
Huillet: Sonate for solo viola – Opus 80
- 7.00€
Score (12 pages) - pdf file PDF file to download
From an elegiac atmosphere to a wild perpetuum mobile, this Sonata is a « must-have » work for any viola concert or competition
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Romanian Rhapsody n°1 “Evocation”, for violin (or viola) and string orchestra – Opus 101
- 33.00€
Orchestral score (18 pages) + Violin part (8 pages) + Viola part (8 pages) + Orchestral parts (20 pages), fingerings by Clara Cernat - PDF file to download
A wonderful concert piece by Thierry Huillet, full of Danubian atmosphere, nostalgy and virtuosity. The soloist will be either a violinist or a viola player. - Add to basket
The Post Horn, for viola and piano – Opus 96b
- 7.00€
Piano score (18 pages) + Viola part (8 pages) - PDF file to download
A wonderful concert version by Thierry Huillet and Clara Cernat. The famous « Caruta Postei », a Romanian folk tune, in an astonishing version for viola and piano. - Add to basket
The Viola Rhapsody, for solo viola – Opus 109
- 7.00€
Score (6 pages) - pdf file, fingerings by Clara Cernat - PDF file to download
A virtuoso and colourful viola concert piece, featuring famous themes from Romania, including the famous Caruta Postei. - Add to basket
Thierry Huillet – “Trois poèmes mystiques”, for soprano and piano (with optional viola) – Opus 112
- 13.00€
Score for soprano and piano (36 pages) + Score for soprano, viola and piano (48 pages) + Viola and soprano parts (18 pages) - pdf file Three wonderful mystical poems, representing Christianity (San Juan de la Cruz, La Noche Oscura), Judaism (Song of songs N°5) and Islam (Rûmî, My heart holder). The viola is optional and adds a very special colour to the work.
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